

Vince Anila: Coach TJ

“I love how easy it is to adjust things on the fly with Coach TJ, and how his only agenda is my agenda.  There have been highs and lows with this, times of extreme motivation and times of very little, and I appreciate how he walks me through both with so much attunement and grace.  Every coach at Microcosm is SO knowledgeable, and I think one of the things that separates Microcosm from almost anyone else is that to some degree us athletes have access to all of them, via community calls, slack channel, etc…And all that was true even before they retooled into their Tier system.  By then, TJ and I had been working together just long enough that I actually had high hopes for Microcosm’s introduction of the monthly deep dive calls.  But my expectations were far exceeded.  Our monthly discussions added exponential value to this endeavor for me, perhaps most surprisingly by getting me lazer-focused on — and in love with — my WHY for doing any of this in the first place.  Honestly, I’m just a happier, more fulfilled runner and human because of our work together.”

Nicki Meyers

Niki Meyers: Coach TJ

“When I was referred to you all I wasn’t actually looking for a coach but like the idea of accountability and the log and stress/mental health self assessments.  I’ve stayed because I value the day by day feedback in the log. I love listening to the Friday calls, even though I don’t join them I always listen to them on my run. I like the idea of a team, even though I’m a little shy about interacting and I like the message that you and Zoe stand for. As you know, my goals are to run forever and to stay healthy and uninjured.  We’ve been doing this since November 2019. Thank you for all you do!!”

leah hughes

Leah Hughes: Coach TJ

“Working with TJ has helped me become not just a better athlete, but also a more compassionate and introspective person. The daily celebration of small achievements and unconditional support and encouragement has changed the way I think about my athletic performance. Being accountable to a coach has helped me be more accountable to myself and my long term goals!”

Matt Mientka

Matt Mientka: Coach Zoë

“I fought to and through a 50 mile race without the slightest bit of coaching or formal running experience. After the legs recovered and I decided to do it again, I had an initial discussion with Zoë about me, my goals, and Microcosm. We started on a long term training program that has me not only feeling amazingly fit, but much better prepared for any kind of race or adventure in front of me. On top of that, I now feel a part of a phenomenal community with other athletes that inspire, cheer, and support me along the way.”

Domenico Ponziano

Domenico Ponziano: Coach TJ

“I’ve worked with TJ for over a two years. My coach creates personalized training schedules that meet my needs and my goals. In addition, having a daily line of communication with him allows my coach to make any necessary changes on the fly.

TJ has been incredibly knowledgeable, giving me advice and suggestions about hydration, nutrition, self-care and all the aspects related to my training.

Microcosm believes in long term potential and values the longevity of his athlete. They work in order to improve the best of ourselves, no matter how small this progress is.”

Vivienne Baldassare

Vivienne Baldassare: Coach Zoë

“Working with Zoë and the Microcosm Team has been transformational for me as an athlete and a person. With the support of my coach and the community, I have been able to conquer big running goals (hey first 50k!), and feel inspired every day to dream big in life and running! In a year of really big life transitions, I can’t overstate how grateful I am to be a part of a community that values their athletes as people and encourages us to trust the process and play the long game.”

Lionell jansen

Lionell Jansen: Coach Zoë

“After getting into running mid 2017, I was just running without a goal, without a purpose. I started training for a road half marathon, ended up doing a 50 km trail race as my first race ever. Kept pushing hard and eventually got overtrained.

Things had to change, that change started once I started working with Zoë from Microcosm Coaching. We set out long term goals, focused on the kind races I loved, mountain ultra trails.

After a year of training with Microcosm, it has brought me structure and the results are speaking for themselves as I keep on improving.”

danielle otto

Danielle Otto: Coach Zoë

“Before Microcosm, I was regularly running ultras without training and putting myself in precarious health situations. Once I was able to develop consistency and switch my mindset to process oriented versus goal oriented, I was able to be more at peace with how my body was progressing as an athlete and bank fitness for bigger adventures! Those big goals are a lot less daunting when you have a community behind you to get you to where you want to be.”

sarah Strong

Sarah Strong: Coach Zoë

“I signed up with Microcosm for the coaching philosophy and daily check-ins, but it’s the abundant support, inspiration and expertise from coaches and fellow athletes alike that set this community apart. My coach celebrates and honors all aspects of my life and is dedicated to my success as a whole person– not just a runner. I’m thankful everyday for the way Microcosm Coaching has transformed my running, for the quality of new connections, and for an incredible community of positivity. acceptance, and STOKE.”

Alli Nagel: Coach Sarah

“I came to Microcosm with big running goals and wanting consistent meaningful feedback on my training. It was also a requirement to include Nordic skiing and cycling into my weekly schedule. Coach Sarah continuously works with me to create training that incorporates running and my other sports. The plan is really effective, I receive feedback and I’ve built so much fitness in the process. Another positive in working with Coach Sarah Strong and the Microcosm team, is learning about other aspects of training (nutrition, mental, etc.) that are just as important.”

Mike malina

Mike Malina: Coach TJ

“I was a train to race runner. My mileage was inconsistent, strength training was hit or miss, and I often pushed myself to injury. TJ has taught me the value of taking a long-term approach to my training. With his mentorship, I’m learning to read the clues my body gives me and to give myself grace if things don’t go as planned (instead of pushing myself even harder, to the point of breaking).”

zena robinson

Zena Robinson: Coach TJ

“To find Microcosm and to be coached taking all my quirks as a human into the equation rather than feel I’m being handed a pre determined plan has lead to a natural and sustainable progression. This makes me so excited for the next goal I can dream up in the future. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first 10k or first 100 miles, these are both scary goals and we all need a little help and a whole heap of support to face the unknown while finding joy in the day to day process.

A little bit of knowledge isn’t always a good thing and I knew I needed mentoring to reach my ever evolving finish lines. With the support both of the coaches and the amazing community I’m finding more confidence in trusting my own instincts instead of second guessing myself, knowing I’m being guided in the right direction with someone keeping an objective eye over this part of my life. I’m in it for the long run (pun completely intended literally and metaphorically) and searching for a coach who shares this long term approach and not concentrating solely on preparing someone for the next event are far and few between. As always thank you – thank you. ”

Lauren Lande: Coach Zoe

Microcosm has a training philosophy that I trust, coaches that are super knowledgeable and caring and a community that is diverse and passionate about running! The coaching team aspect is so important. I feel confident that I’m being led in the right direction because of the awesome team of coaches that make up Microcosm. It’s fun to listen to the community calls and get different perspectives and to hear from true experts! The cost is affordable and is well worth it. The daily connection with Zoe is a game changer. It helps motivate me to run everyday because I look forward to writing it up in the Log.

You guys walk the talk and use the same training philosophies yourselves. This makes me trust the process. I know I’ll never be running as fast as Zoe but I know I have a solid chance at meeting my goals because the training philosophy is being tested and proven out on a daily basis.

The wide variety of athletes that makes up Microcosm makes deciding to have a coach less intimidating. I know I don’t have to “fit in” because there doesn’t seem to be a typical athlete.

Laura Hall: Coach TJ

I’ll be forever grateful to TJ for his guidance in getting me to the finish line of my first ultra! He helped me navigate training amidst a hectic 24-hour shift schedule, loads of travel, and lots of life stress. I appreciate Microcosm’s human-first approach to coaching, and the recognition that running is one part of a much bigger life. TJ helped with the typical running stuff, like training, nutrition, and race strategy, but it was really about so much more — the mental game and rising above the ceilings I placed on myself — both in running and in life.

Adam Stepanovik: Coach TJ

Coach TJ “gives a shit and has learned about me as a person. — what motivates me, what my goals are in life, and life constraints. This makes it so you know what you need to push on (consistency) and what you don’t (motivation). The need for consistency vs motivation could totally be confused if you weren’t paying attention because at the Strava level, it just looks like I’m lazy sometimes. I’m a lot of things, lazy ain’t one of them. But instead you ripped off a golden arrow at refocusing time, energy, and planning in my general life so that I’d have consistency. That my friend has meant the world to me, and quite frankly my family too. We love my Sunday’s off together, AND my fitness is kicking ass. Thank you!!!”

Fred Kehlet: Coach TJ

“Working with TJ and Microcosm has been nothing but a delight! My individualized running schedule helped me achieve all of my goals and fall in love with the process of training, but the benefits extend so far beyond the science-based training plan. A holistic focus on physical, mental, and social health, transparent communication, continuous support, and accountability are all amazing reasons to sign up for coaching with Microcosm. The two highlights for me so far have definitely been crushing my first ever marathon, and going on a trip to do some mountain running with another Microcosm athlete based in my country!”

Katelyn Peterson: Coach TJ

“I really appreciate the combination of focus on individuality and individual goals, taking into account all aspects of life, and using science-based training practices. I also really like that the coaching team includes people with expertise in not only running and exercise science, but mental health and nutrition as well. This makes me feel that I’m getting really well-rounded guidance (and I have/am :). I also appreciate that Microcosm works with athletes of all levels and that you work with each individual athlete to decide what’s most important to them (whether it’s a fast 5km or their first 250 miler). And, finally, I really appreciate the daily feedback and encouragement, and the sense of community!”

Christie Chappins: Coach TJ

“I’ve been with coach TJ and Microcosm Coaching for a few years now. Through all the highs and lows of my journey they have been the one constant that keeps me lifted and propelling forward. I’ve learned so much about what it is to be an athlete (the science of speed work, proper/effective fueling and hydration, meditation, the rule of thirds, compassion for self). This is the most holistic and supportive group I know – they have become a virtual family to me. (I did get to meet some of them in person when they came to WSER!! – talk about inspirational!!!)

Joe Fisher: Coach TJ

“I can’t express how impactful TJ and Microcosm Coaching was not only to my running but to my life in general!  My running improved by leaps and bounds but I also became a more self-aware and disciplined person. I highly recommend TJ and his team. They will make a hugely positive impact on your running and your life!”

Derek LaCrosse: Coach Drew

Coach Drew has that rare quality of being a high level practitioner while also being a great and patient teacher. When I started with Drew, I was running 15 miles per week and had gotten injured every time I approached 30 miles. I was pretty discouraged and thought maybe I wasn’t meant to be a runner. 5 months later, I’ve run 45 miles per week the last 5 weeks not only without injury, but feeling stronger than ever.

You grow close to your coach here because of the daily check-ins. Drew was able to give me feedback that continued to encourage me, helped me manage efforts and niggles properly, and work toward my goals.

Getting a spot on coach Drew’s roster elevated my running further than I thought possible when I started. This whole squad had impressed me. They care and truly embody the values they write about. 10/10, never change Microcosm.

Camrie Worley: Coach Drew

I’m so glad I chose Microcosm Coaching to help me further my running goals! I’ve ran competitively for many years in high school and college, but after taking some time off I knew I could use some extra help. Drew was amazing at taking into consideration ALL of my life and responsibilities and still making sure I had a robust training plan to help me run my first marathon and other races, too! I can say without Drew’s expertise, encouragement & accountability I would not have been able to perform at the level I desired!

Fabian Brunner: Coach Drew

I would highly recommend and endorse any athlete to work 1:1 with Coach Drew. We started with our eyes on a PR in the road marathon, then quickly pivoted to the ultra scene where Drew and his exceptional planning allowed me to achieve my goals for the year. Drew is compassionate, understanding and extremely well-versed in all things running and mentality. I’m happy to call him a friend through this experience and will forever remember his ability to help me constantly see the positive in all runs!